Category Archives: Maths Challenges


Congratulations to Kelsey, Sommer, Connie, David and Kyle who all earnt housepoints for last week’s challenge!

Here is your challenge for this week (you can also click to see a more colourful version!)


Firewords are Fireworks which display words in the night sky. You can buy Firewords to make any word but the cost depends on the letters in the word. A costs 1p, B costs 2p etc. Which Firewords will cost exactly £1 ?
You can use this table to help you:

For example: EXCELLENT = 5p + 24p + 3p + 5p + 12p + 12p + 5p + 14p + 20p = £1.00

For every word you make you can earn 5HPs! Leave a comment below with your answers.

Posted in Maths Challenges, Year 6 Blogs | 16 Comments


Below is your first maths challenge of the year. Read it carefully, have a go and post your answer as a comment at the bottom. I will announce the winner(s) of 10HPS! on next week’s maths challenge.


Have a go at these! Each number has some initials after it. Just work out what

the initials mean as the numbers are the clues.

For example: 7 D_____ in a W_____ is 7 Days in a Week.

Now try these.

There are 26 L______ in the A_________.

There are 1000 M________ in a K.__________

There are 24 H________ in a D_________.

There are 8 _______ on a S___________.

Comment with your answers below!

Posted in Maths Challenges | 10 Comments


Well done to all of those who got last week’s Maths Challenge correct (I know lots of you in my class did – wel done!) so 5HPs to each of you!

Here is this week’s problem with an Easter Theme…

Amy, Beth and Chad each recieved a 200g Easter Egg for Easter. Amy ate 3/5 of hers, Beth ate 4/9 of hers and Chad ate 5/10 of his egg.

Who ate the most of their egg?

Comment below with your answer and you could earn yourself an EGGcellent 10 HPS!

Posted in Maths Challenges, Year 5 Blogs, Year 6 Blogs | 7 Comments

MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – Chicken Crossing Puzzle…

Well done to Tom and Jaden who both gave a correct answer to our probability puzzle last week!

And now here is this week’s classic logic puzzle for you…


A man has to get a fox, a chicken, and a sack of corn across a river.

He has a rowboat, and it can only carry him and one other thing.

If the fox and the chicken are left together, the fox will eat the chicken.

If the chicken and the corn is left together, the chicken will eat the corn.

How does the man do it?

Leave a comment below with your answer!

Posted in Maths Challenges | 13 Comments

MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – I’ve lost my marbles…

Well done to those of you who tried last week’s Maths Challenge – anybody who got a time of under 15 seconds can have 2 HPs!

Now we are back to proper maths challenges and here is your next one…


You have three bags each containing two marbles. Bag A contains 2 white marbles, Bag B contains two black marbles and Bag C contains one white and one black marble.

You pick a bag at random and take out one marble. It is a white marble.

What is the probability that the remaining marble from the same bag is also white?

Leave a comment with your answer below! ( If you are trying to write a fraction you can use the / symbol e.g. 4/5)

Posted in Maths Challenges, Year 5 Blogs, Year 6 Blogs | 13 Comments


Well done to Chloe Brs and Tom who both gave a correct answer to last week’s maths challenge – 5HPs to each of you!

Below is a maths challenge with a bit of a difference. Your challenge is to look at the picture and say the colour of the word, NOT what the word says.

For example for…
…you would say “red” not “green” as the word is written in red.

Time how long it takes you to say every word correctly and then post your time below!


Click on the Start button above to start the stopwatch.

Posted in Maths Challenges, Year 5 Blogs, Year 6 Blogs | 12 Comments

MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – Dancing Shoes (For the second week running as nobody has given a correct answer yet….)

Well done to all those who attempted last week’s challenge, with Demi, Megan and Andie earning 5HPs each!

Now time for this week’s maths challenge…

At the dance competition people had to dance in different groups of people.

When they danced in couples, one person was left over.

When they danced in threes, one person was left over.

When they dance in fours, one person was left over.

When they danced in fives, one person was left.


Leave a comment below with your answer!
(If you are from another school we would love it if you had a go too 🙂 )






Posted in Maths Challenges, Year 5 Blogs, Year 6 Blogs | 21 Comments

MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – You wait ages for a bus then 3 come along at once…

Well done to all of those who commented on the Maths Challenge last week. Emily posted the highest amount on the blog so she can have 5 HPs – well done Emily! Miss Jackson also found a way to make £600 so I think she deserves 5HPs too!

Here is this week’s Maths Challenge…

Each bus can hold 11 passengers.

There are some families waiting at bus stop to get on the bus.

 The Simpsons (a family of 5 )
The Martins (a family of 2 )
The Jacksons (a family of 8 )
The Smiths (a family of 3 )
The Beckhams (a family of 6 )
The Garcias (a family of 3 )
The Adams (a family of 6 ).

Can you assign families to buses without having to split the families up?

Leave a comment letting us know who you would put on each bus.



Posted in Maths Challenges, News, Year 5 Blogs, Year 6 Blogs | 14 Comments


Well done to everybody who attempted last week’s question. Both Andie and Kasha commented with correct ways to make 99 and have won 5 HPs each. Go back to the challenge to see their correct answers.

And here is this week’s challenge…

Start the maze with no money. Go through the maze, collecting and losing your money as you go. You may not go through any box more than once, and can only go into a box through a gap, for example, you may not go from 5 to 6, or from 7 to 3.

For example:

Start -> Box 1 + £100 (£100) -> Box 5 lose £50 (£50) -> Box 9 + £10 (£60) -> Box 13 lose £10 (£50) -> Box 14 + £20 (£70) -> Box 15 lose £10 (£60) -> Box 16 + £30 (£90) ->

I come out with £90 at the end of the maze.

What is the biggest amount of money you can come out of the maze with? Comment on the blog below and show your working – the person with the biggest amount at the end of the week will get 5 HPs!

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, Maths Challenges, News | 17 Comments


Well done to Charlie and Nicholas who answered the last maths challenge correctly with an answer of 27 triangles!

Here is your next maths challenge:

Where should you put plus signs between the digits below to make a total of 99?

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

For example, you could try:

9 + 8 + 76 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 21 = 126 (too high!)

9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 45 (too low!)

There are two solutions to this problem but they are not easy to find so you may need to try a few different ways!

Have a go at this problem yourself and post your answer as a comment below.

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, Maths Challenges, News | 20 Comments