Author Archives: Miss Shearer

MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – Dancing Shoes (For the second week running as nobody has given a correct answer yet….)

Well done to all those who attempted last week’s challenge, with Demi, Megan and Andie earning 5HPs each!

Now time for this week’s maths challenge…

At the dance competition people had to dance in different groups of people.

When they danced in couples, one person was left over.

When they danced in threes, one person was left over.

When they dance in fours, one person was left over.

When they danced in fives, one person was left.


Leave a comment below with your answer!
(If you are from another school we would love it if you had a go too 🙂 )






Posted in Maths Challenges, Year 5 Blogs, Year 6 Blogs | 21 Comments


Well done to everybody who attempted last week’s question. Both Andie and Kasha commented with correct ways to make 99 and have won 5 HPs each. Go back to the challenge to see their correct answers.

And here is this week’s challenge…

Start the maze with no money. Go through the maze, collecting and losing your money as you go. You may not go through any box more than once, and can only go into a box through a gap, for example, you may not go from 5 to 6, or from 7 to 3.

For example:

Start -> Box 1 + £100 (£100) -> Box 5 lose £50 (£50) -> Box 9 + £10 (£60) -> Box 13 lose £10 (£50) -> Box 14 + £20 (£70) -> Box 15 lose £10 (£60) -> Box 16 + £30 (£90) ->

I come out with £90 at the end of the maze.

What is the biggest amount of money you can come out of the maze with? Comment on the blog below and show your working – the person with the biggest amount at the end of the week will get 5 HPs!

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, Maths Challenges, News | 17 Comments

Migration, Migration, Migration.

As we head into a fresh new term we are moving on to our new IPC unit – Migration and Moving People – and we would really appreciate your help!

Leicester is a proud multicultural city with many different people, cultures, nationalities and religions. This is because lots of people have moved to Leicester from other countries for different reasons, from finding a new job to problems in their native country.

Do you know anybody who moved to England from a different country? Did you  used to live abroad yourself? If so please leave a comment below as we would really like to learn about your experience and hear some of the reasons why you moved. We will be looking at this post over the next 6 weeks so anything you could share would be helpful 🙂 thank you!


Posted in 6CSh, 6CSt, News | 13 Comments

Scooby’s Shadow

Last week Year 6 recieved a very important email. It said:


Being the kind and helpful year group that we are we set out to investigate how to change the size of Scooby’s shadow without changing the size of Scooby.

Armed with mini Scooby Doos, rulers and torches we headed for the dark depths of the Ideas Room and set to work.


We tried moving the light source closer and farther away from Scooby, and also tried moving Scooby closer and farther away from the light source. We then wrote up our experiment and some children found some time in their busy schedules to email Raja back. Below is what some of them had to say:







We hope we helped you Raja! What do you think about our investigation? Leave us a comment to let us know 🙂


Posted in 6CSh, News | 2 Comments

Should schools close when it snows? THE FINAL RESULT

As you may have read, a few weeks ago we asked you your opinion on whether schools should close when it snows. We read all of your comments (so thank you!) and used lots of them as ideas in our own arguments. Here in our 6CSH English class we are very proud of what we have written and thought we would share some of our writing with you.


 Leandro argued that schools should stay open when it snows. He began his argument by saying…

“Some people think that we should come to school when it is snowing  because it gives you good education . Now I am going to tell you all of the resume why chilled shuned  go to school when it is.I  snowing would like to point out that parents still have to go  work in all conditions. It is important that we go to school because our carers  wounld like to have a time out.”

Leyton continued saying that schools shouldn’t close when it snowed because…

“Some children say that school shouldn’t close because you can learn more. Children think they will be safer at home then at school but  you all know that’s throw. Children say tha can go out with thera frends at home but you can at schoo.  But if you ask me it will be better at school then at home.”

Alex also argued that…

“School  should not be closed only because is snowing and that doesn’t  mean you can not learn and if  school be close you will not get a good education and you will not play with your friends on the snow if you think school should be closed because of the snow  why can you go at side and play?”

On the other hand, Jake believed that schools should be closed when it snows. He began by saying…

“I am going to point out that some people thing school should be closed because of snow and I am going to tell you why. Some children do not want to stay at school because Little kids get really cold they are so small.”

Korben believed too that schools should close because…

” When it snows the radiators could freeze up and stop working. This means that school should be closed because children can’t concentrate in the cold. “

Jeanna also added…

“So that is what some children say so there is not any accidents on the way to school.”

Brandon, Jade, John Paul, Sabrina and Lexx also had some excellent ideas for their arguments.


So what do you think now? Have we persuasded you to change your mind or do you agree with what we have to say? Please let us know by commenting on this post – we love to hear your comments and they really help us improve our writing!



Posted in 6CSh, News | 2 Comments


Every week we will be updating the blog with a new maths challenge to get your brains thinking – here is this week’s.

Below is a 1-100 number square. Your task is to find a chosen number from the number square.

Here are some clues to help you:

The number is greater than 9

The number is not a multiple of 10

The number is a multiple of 7

The number is odd.

The number is not a multiple of 11

The number is less than 200

Its units digit is larger than its tens digit.

Its tens digit is odd.

So what is the number?

Comment with your solution – if you recieve a comment saying you are correct you can have 5 HPs.

Extension: Although all 8 clues are true, only 4 are neccessary for finding the answer. Which four clues are neccessary and why? If you can comment with the correct answer you will recieve 10 HPs! 

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, Maths Challenges, News | 23 Comments

How do we see things?

In Science we are learning about ‘How we see things’. We have looked in detail at the structure of the eye, how light travels and the process of how we actually see images. We have even completed an ‘Eye Assault Course’ where we pretended to be beams of light making the journey into the eye!

Because we now know this topic so well, for this week’s homework Miss Shearer set us the task of writing a short story about the journey of light from the light source, into our eye and to our brain. To make it more interesting we had to write in 1st person (as if we actually were the light). Over the next few days some of these stories will be appearing on the blog so keep your eyes peeled!

While you’re here why not see how much you know about ‘How we see things’ by visiting:

Posted in 6CSh, News | 1 Comment

Should schools be closed for snow?

Now we’re into December and the weather is much colder we are asking ourselves “Should schools close for snow?”. In 6CSh English this week we are going to research and to write our own persuasive argument (to put on the blog so stay posted!) on this topic so it would be really great to get some ideas from the public.

So what do you think? Are snow days important for making sure children stay safe or are they just an excuse for a day off?

We would love to hear what you think! You can also vote on the blog post below 🙂

Posted in 6CSh, News | 11 Comments

Vote – Should schools be closed for snow?

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Posted in 6CSh, News | 8 Comments

Time for a holiday?

Below you can find some of the adverts we have made this week for our IPC topic ‘The Holiday Show’. We have picked a holiday destination, written an advert persuasing people to visit and then recorded it using stop motion! Although it was a tricky process we have created some excellent pieces of work, and I hope you think so too.

Posted in 6CSh, News | 4 Comments