Category Archives: 5CH

Year 5 are starting a new topic all about inventions…

So we want to know, which invention would you not be able to live without!?

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, News, Year 5 Blogs | 11 Comments

Song Vote For Assembly

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Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, News, Year 5 Blogs, Year 6 Blogs | 22 Comments

Reflective Symmetry

Try this game to see how well you have been listening in class!

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, Year 5 Blogs | 6 Comments


Well done to everybody who attempted last week’s question. Both Andie and Kasha commented with correct ways to make 99 and have won 5 HPs each. Go back to the challenge to see their correct answers.

And here is this week’s challenge…

Start the maze with no money. Go through the maze, collecting and losing your money as you go. You may not go through any box more than once, and can only go into a box through a gap, for example, you may not go from 5 to 6, or from 7 to 3.

For example:

Start -> Box 1 + £100 (£100) -> Box 5 lose £50 (£50) -> Box 9 + £10 (£60) -> Box 13 lose £10 (£50) -> Box 14 + £20 (£70) -> Box 15 lose £10 (£60) -> Box 16 + £30 (£90) ->

I come out with £90 at the end of the maze.

What is the biggest amount of money you can come out of the maze with? Comment on the blog below and show your working – the person with the biggest amount at the end of the week will get 5 HPs!

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, Maths Challenges, News | 17 Comments

How much did you learn in class this week?

Try this game to see how much you can remember about number fact families!

Let us know how well you did by commenting below!

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, News | 4 Comments

Myths, Legends and Fables

Our new topic this half term is Myths, Legends and Fables. We want to know what Myths, Legends and Fables you know about already! So how many can you name?

Posted in 5CH, 5NR | 4 Comments


Well done to Charlie and Nicholas who answered the last maths challenge correctly with an answer of 27 triangles!

Here is your next maths challenge:

Where should you put plus signs between the digits below to make a total of 99?

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

For example, you could try:

9 + 8 + 76 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 21 = 126 (too high!)

9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 45 (too low!)

There are two solutions to this problem but they are not easy to find so you may need to try a few different ways!

Have a go at this problem yourself and post your answer as a comment below.

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, Maths Challenges, News | 20 Comments


Well done to Chloe Briers, Andie and Jaden who all worked out the correct answer of ’35’ last week – 5HPs to each of you!

Below is this week’s challenge. Remember to comment with your answer and come back to check if you are right.

How many triangles can you count in the picture below:


Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, Maths Challenges, News | 38 Comments


Every week we will be updating the blog with a new maths challenge to get your brains thinking – here is this week’s.

Below is a 1-100 number square. Your task is to find a chosen number from the number square.

Here are some clues to help you:

The number is greater than 9

The number is not a multiple of 10

The number is a multiple of 7

The number is odd.

The number is not a multiple of 11

The number is less than 200

Its units digit is larger than its tens digit.

Its tens digit is odd.

So what is the number?

Comment with your solution – if you recieve a comment saying you are correct you can have 5 HPs.

Extension: Although all 8 clues are true, only 4 are neccessary for finding the answer. Which four clues are neccessary and why? If you can comment with the correct answer you will recieve 10 HPs! 

Posted in 5CH, 5NR, 6CSh, 6CSt, Maths Challenges, News | 23 Comments