Well done to all of those who got last week’s Maths Challenge correct (I know lots of you in my class did – wel done!) so 5HPs to each of you!

Here is this week’s problem with an Easter Theme…

Amy, Beth and Chad each recieved a 200g Easter Egg for Easter. Amy ate 3/5 of hers, Beth ate 4/9 of hers and Chad ate 5/10 of his egg.

Who ate the most of their egg?

Comment below with your answer and you could earn yourself an EGGcellent 10 HPS!

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7 Responses to MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – An Eastery Problem

  1. Miss Shearer says:

    If nobody has a go in the next 3 days I will give myself the 10 HPs… 🙂

  2. 6CSH_Connie says:

    Amy ate the most of hers.

  3. 6CSH_Paige says:

    The answer is 5/10

  4. 6CSH_Paige says:

    No Amy ate most of hers .She ate 3/5

  5. 6CSH_Melissa says:

    Amy ate most of hers.

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