MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – Dancing Shoes (For the second week running as nobody has given a correct answer yet….)

Well done to all those who attempted last week’s challenge, with Demi, Megan and Andie earning 5HPs each!

Now time for this week’s maths challenge…

At the dance competition people had to dance in different groups of people.

When they danced in couples, one person was left over.

When they danced in threes, one person was left over.

When they dance in fours, one person was left over.

When they danced in fives, one person was left.


Leave a comment below with your answer!
(If you are from another school we would love it if you had a go too 🙂 )






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21 Responses to MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – Dancing Shoes (For the second week running as nobody has given a correct answer yet….)

  1. kashagamble says:

    2+3+4+5=14 14-1-1-1-1=10

  2. meganjones says:

    Hi I think that the anser is 31 because ther will be 15 groups/couples and there will be 1 left over.If you do it i 3’s there will be 1 left over,if you do it in 4’s there will be 1 left over and if you do it in 5’s there will be 1 left over either way.

  3. jadenjackson says:

    I think it is 31

  4. kashagamble says:


  5. patientegbenoma says:


  6. fidelebijika says:

    13 people dancing

  7. admin says:

    Nicholas – that does not work because if 27 people danced in threes nobody would be left over! Try again.
    Kasha if 32 people are dancing in couples nobody is left over! Try again.
    Megan and Jaden – if 31 people danced in 4s there would be 7 groups with 3 people left over.. try again!
    Fidele if there are 13 people dancing in fives 3 people will be left out.
    Patient if 10 people are dancing in pairs none will be left over.


  8. patientegbenoma says:


  9. admin says:

    Patient- if there are 18 people are they dance in 3 theres will be 6 groups with noone left over. Try again 🙂

  10. patientegbenoma says:


  11. charlie says:

    you are one of the best at your maths and you are great.

  12. joseph says:

    Hi I think that the anser is 31 because ther will be 15 groups/couples and there will be 1 left over.If you do it i 3′s there will be 1 left over,if you do it in 4′s there will be 1 left over and if you do it in 5′s there will be 1 left over either way.

  13. admin says:

    Hi Joseph – welcome to our blog. 31 is a good guess however if people danced in fours there would be seven groups with 3 people left over (7 x 4 = 28, +3 = 31). Have another go!
    Patient, if 14 people danced in pairs there would be none left over – have another ago! I really like your perseverance too, have 1HP.

  14. fidelebijika says:

    Is the answer 31 or 14

  15. chloebriers says:

    41 people

  16. chloe briers says:


  17. admin says:

    Well done Tom and Chloe – both of your answers are correct so you can have 5HPs!
    If there were 61 people at the dance, when they danced in couples there would be 1 person left over (2 x 30 = 60), when they danced in threes there would be 1 person left over (20 x 3 = 60), when they danced in fours there would be 1 person left over (4 x 15 = 60) and when they danced in 5s there would be 1 person left over (12 x 5 = 60). This also works with 121 people at the dance.

  18. 6CSH_Paige says:

    It is 11

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