Well done to Chloe Brs and Tom who both gave a correct answer to last week’s maths challenge – 5HPs to each of you!

Below is a maths challenge with a bit of a difference. Your challenge is to look at the picture and say the colour of the word, NOT what the word says.

For example for…
…you would say “red” not “green” as the word is written in red.

Time how long it takes you to say every word correctly and then post your time below!


Click on the Start button above to start the stopwatch.

This entry was posted in Maths Challenges, Year 5 Blogs, Year 6 Blogs. Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – The Stroop Effect

  1. Miss Shearer says:

    It took me 15 seconds!

  2. chloe briers says:

    17-18 seconds

  3. meganjones says:

    how do you stop the watch!!!!!!!!!!

  4. admin says:

    That’s a great time Chloe, well done! And Megan the stopwatch doesn’t have a stop button so just check the time as soon as you have finished and then refresh the page.

  5. tomgeary says:

    12 seconds

  6. tomgeary says:

    now my high score is 6 seconds

  7. meganjones says:

    Tom that wicked mine was 6 seconds as well!!!! Lol!!!

  8. missjackson says:

    15 seconds too

  9. missjackson says:

    well done Tom 6 seconds is amazing

  10. kasha says:

    it doesnt stop

  11. patientegbenoma says:

    i took 9 seconds!

  12. 6CSH_Connie says:

    20 seconds !!!!!!!!!!SO HAPPY LOL!!!!!!!!!!

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