MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – I’ve lost my marbles…

Well done to those of you who tried last week’s Maths Challenge – anybody who got a time of under 15 seconds can have 2 HPs!

Now we are back to proper maths challenges and here is your next one…


You have three bags each containing two marbles. Bag A contains 2 white marbles, Bag B contains two black marbles and Bag C contains one white and one black marble.

You pick a bag at random and take out one marble. It is a white marble.

What is the probability that the remaining marble from the same bag is also white?

Leave a comment with your answer below! ( If you are trying to write a fraction you can use the / symbol e.g. 4/5)

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13 Responses to MATHS CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – I’ve lost my marbles…

  1. tomgeary says:

    two sixths

  2. jaden says:

    i think it is 1/2

  3. meganjones says:

    I think that it is 4/5ths

  4. admin says:

    Well done Tom and Jaden, you are right with your answer of 1/2 or equivalent. 5HPs to each of you!

    This is because there are only two bags with white marbles in – one has one white marble left in it and one has one back marble left – therefore there is a 50% or 1/2 chance you would pick the remaining white marble.

  5. 6CSH_Paige says:


  6. 6CSH_Paige says:

    It is 1/2

  7. 6CSH_Chloe says:

    it is 1/2 because there is 1 black and one white and because there is 2 in the bag and because there is only 1 white one it will be 1/2

  8. 6CSH_Connie says:


  9. 6CSH_Sommer says:

    Every body has just put1/2 because miss shearer has awlready said the answer

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