Year 5 are starting a new topic all about inventions…

So we want to know, which invention would you not be able to live without!?

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11 Responses to Year 5 are starting a new topic all about inventions…

  1. Miss Rea says:

    I wouldn’t be able to survive without my hair straighteners!

  2. Miss Hardwick says:

    Definitely my car!!

  3. niamh franklin says:

    1. My phone!!(so i can text and ring my mates!!!)
    2.My lights !!(so I can see!)

  4. 6CSH_Sommer says:

    I pod, car, brush,clothes ,family I defiantly would not survive with out family

  5. 6CSH_Sommer says:

    Oh it’s mechanical lap top I pod and curlers x

  6. 6CSH_Melissa says:

    I would not survive without my family and freinds.

  7. melissa says:

    i wuoldent survive without my family and my freinds

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