How do we see things?

In Science we are learning about ‘How we see things’. We have looked in detail at the structure of the eye, how light travels and the process of how we actually see images. We have even completed an ‘Eye Assault Course’ where we pretended to be beams of light making the journey into the eye!

Because we now know this topic so well, for this week’s homework Miss Shearer set us the task of writing a short story about the journey of light from the light source, into our eye and to our brain. To make it more interesting we had to write in 1st person (as if we actually were the light). Over the next few days some of these stories will be appearing on the blog so keep your eyes peeled!

While you’re here why not see how much you know about ‘How we see things’ by visiting:

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1 Response to How do we see things?

  1. charlieoak111 says:

    I really think that you are the best in the class and your freinds

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