Creme Egg Challenge

5NR were given the challenge to decorate a creme egg in the most creative way possible! Here are the results!!!

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There was a prize for the best one and that went to…..


Hope you like looking at them and let us know what you think!!


Class 5NR









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4 Responses to Creme Egg Challenge

  1. admin says:

    WOW 5NR – these eggs are amazing! I particularly like the spooky white ghost egg 🙂

  2. missjackson says:

    These look great guys, I really like them especially the super heroes.

  3. Rachel says:

    Miss Rea I think we did a great job making the easter eggs look AMAZING and we had fun making the easter eggs with our creative minds and brains which makes our designs which AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! MISS REA YOU ARE THE BEST TEACHER IN YEAR 5 AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Connie says:

    I love the super man one !!!!!!!!!

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